Thursday, October 27, 2011

Egypt divided over 'Israeli spy' Ilan Grapel

Ilan Grapel was wounded fighting for Israel in the 2006 war with Lebanon

  • Is he a spy or a scapegoat? Egyptians are divided over the case of the alleged Israeli agent currently being held by Egypt's security authorities.

    Ilan Grapel, a 27-year-old Israeli-American, was arrested in his Cairo hotel on 12 June.

    Since then, official sources have suggested he worked to stir up sedition, both between demonstrators and the army, then later between Christians and Muslims.

    But the claims have come in for mockery on Egypt's lively internet scene. And some people have suggested that the military who now rule Egypt are trying to use his case to distract attention from their own difficulties.

    If Ilan Grapel is a spy, he certainly does not appear to be a very secretive or subtle one.

    One of several Facebook pages that has sprung up to discuss the case is called "the Stupid Israeli spy".

    Tahrir Square photos
    Sceptics have pointed out that Mr Grapel posted photos of himself on the internet in Israeli army uniform, and in a hospital bed after he was wounded in the 2006 Israeli-Lebanese war.

    He posted other photos of himself with protesters in Tahrir Square.

    One friend said he regularly consulted a Hebrew-Arabic dictionary in public, read Hebrew newspapers on his computer in public, and taught Hebrew to an Egyptian.

    It appears Mr Grapel travelled under his own name, and a quick search on the internet reveals his connection to Israel, including his past military service.

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