Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Israeli 1/11/2011

Israeli press:
 "Jants" proposed to launch a major war on Gaza, Netanyahu opposed .. And the "Knesset" opens last session in theNetanyahu government today in the presence Perez .. And Germany recognize the existence of a severe crisis in its relationswith Israel

Israeli public radio ..Last Knesset opens its sessions in the Netanyahu government's proposal to withhold confidence by
Opens Israeli Knesset last session today, Monday, in the government of Israeli Prime Minister, "Benjamin Netanyahu" of the whole, and will be through discussion of five proposals are on the agenda for vote of no confidence from the government under the title "the failure of social, economic and political government,"and it will block the work of parliamentary agenda a bill to dissolve the legislature.

According to Israeli public radio, it is expected that oppositionproposals five Knesset by a large majority of the votes, cast byIsraeli President "Shimon Peres' speech to the House of Representatives, will speak during the meeting Chairman of the Knesset," Reuven Rivlin, "and Israeli Prime Minister and President of the opposition," Tzipi Livni, "as head of governmentbloc MP "Eitan Cabel," Netanyahu tried to bury the social protest movement vowing to work on the mass that this session is thelast of the current government.

Newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth
Yediot: Jants proposed to launch a major war on Gaza, Netanyahu opposed

Newspaper, "Yedioth Ahronoth,
" Israel, the Chief of Staff of the Israeli army, "Benny Jants" proposed during the session to estimate the final position in the Gaza Strip hit the infrastructure of Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip, but Israeli Prime Minister, "Benjamin Netanyahu" announced his rejection of this proposal.

The newspaper quoted military sources in the Israeli army as saying: "the leaders of the Israeli army, led by Chief of Staff,proposed to launch a broad offensive against rocket launchersfrom the Gaza Strip, and hit the infrastructure of the Islamic Jihad movement, but the political leadership headed by Netanyahuopposed it."

The sources told the newspaper: "The Israeli army seeks tomaintain the strength to deter the Israeli army, and put an end to the Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip, but the political sidelook at it from a strategic point, and based their policy on restraint to respond to rocket launchers."

According to military sources the continuing escalation between the Israeli side, and the resistance factions in the Gaza Strip for a period of time.

Maariv newspaper ..
Israeli official: Gaza rockets last we were the most destructive"The Benny Vaknon," the mayor "Ashkelon", in southern Israel, a day after rockets Palestinian resistance to his city, which killed one person, that people are trying to live under the constant threat of Palestinian rocket, which also led to a general strike in the educational institutions.
He Vaknon said: "This sad today because the victim is the son of an ancient family in Ashkelon," adding that the Iron Dome system mounted in the city but has not functioned normally since the beginning of the recent rocket launch.
When asked why the system did not fall this time rockets? Israeli official said: "Ask the army spokesman did these missiles are made by the Palestinians themselves."
The President of the municipality that the missiles were fired at Ashkelon, caused the destruction of a large and dangerous in an unprecedented way, adding: "It's a missile accurate and capable of causing mass destruction, and apparently, these rockets standard and reached them from the military factories, not from the manufacture of their hands."
Israel tops the highest proportion of sexual harassment in universities and schoolsAccording to Israeli media, the Israeli State Comptroller "Mikhalind Strauss was" investigating the days in the form of addressing the issue of sexual harassment within the institutions of higher education and universities, having topped the highest proportion of Israel in incidents of sexual harassment within the universities.
The newspaper "Maariv" Israeli, it is expected that Strauss published a strongly worded report on this subject, confirmed the parties informed on the issue that the report is expected to be hazardous and contains harsh criticism.
The observer had two months ago went to universities and colleges of education and received a request for data intensive on the levels of the phenomenon of sexual harassment in all institutions, and will talk extensively to investigate the relations between managers and workers, as well as relationships between lecturers and students.
Maariv pointed to several events that took place in recent years led to broach the subject of public opinion, in the wake of these events had some higher education institutions to develop procedures to address this phenomenon.
Among these institutions, the Hebrew University and Tel Aviv University and the Institute "Technion" Engineering and the Open University, has worked to cut off any relationship between managers and staff, lecturers and applications unequivocally, while not required other universities, including the "Bar-Ilan, Ben-Gurion and Weizmann Institute," did not prevent relations fromlike that.
The report will examine all the stages that are supposed to go through the affected students will talk about the report to explain the concept of sexual harassment, and what is the law that addresses this issue and to whom should the student orientation.
As a result of an investigation by the student union by the Institute "Manamar her Mochot", in the light of the new school year, it was found that part of the educational institutions do not address the complaints of the public, as it should according to the law, and that part of the institutions do not include the committee discussed the subject, and in institutions which was found by the Commission where there is no representative of the students and the value of the Student Union that the phenomenon of sexual harassment on campus is very broad, and that thousands of students and workers in higher education institutions are subjected to harassment, but the little part of them come forward a complaint and a fraction of the complaints dealt with as they should.

Haaretz newspaper ..
Germany recognizes the existence of a severe crisis in its relations with Israel

Approved the German government, and formally, the existence ofa crisis in the relations that link with Israel, and came on theimpact of the threat of German recently to stop supplying IsraelBguasat type "dolphin" nuclear protest at the Israeli policy ofJudge continuity of construction in the settlements, the latestdecision of the Israeli government construction of 1,100 housing units in east Jerusalem.

In doing so, There is a state of deep concern in Israel as a resultof the German move to threaten the German Chancellor "AngelaMerkel" not to extend Israel's sixth submarine.

The newspaper "Haaretz" Israeli submarine that this is an important element within the Israeli military strategy, along withthree submarines in the fleet in Israel.

It should be noted that it had previously approved the German government to provide 135 million euros to support the expenses of the establishment of the sixth submarine of Israel.

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